Monday, February 18, 2013

New skills

When I first arrived in Upper to visit my dad and step-mom (Melody) I was struck with the severity that the cancer had ransacked through Melody’s body.  I had been forewarned that she was very ill but nothing prepares one to see another once so strong and seemingly invincible now feeble and hardly able to walk or even stand without help.   I came prepared, I had my stethoscope and a mindset to help where I was needed and to care for this now delicate person I love.  The first few days I was here I observed that although Melody had a good memory still she was not able to reason or problem solve.  I knew that she sometimes needed help climbing into bed, but it struck me when she said she did not know how to turn down the covers to climb in under them.   Now if there ever were a reason to not make a bed in the morning this one beats them all.  I would watch her walk and think “if I were at work she would be in a wheelchair or be using a walker!”   As an ICU nurse I am used to being around weak and sick people but I have all the tools needed to help them get better.  I have no tools, except my observation and critical thinking skills I have been picking up at work.  If anything these past few weeks have made my observation skills keener.  

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