Today is my last day in Ohio this visit. I am
not sure what to think. I don't want to leave for many reasons.
First of all, I am not sure what to think of Melody. She is so
tired all the time now. She is nine days into her chemo and it is having
its affect. She is still getting stronger and eating more solid foods
than previously, but I don’t like that she is so tired all the time. I am more nervous leaving than I was when I
made the decision to head back home for the time being. Second, it has been such a good visit with my
family. We are all closer than
before. So much closer than before that
I can say this trip is as monumental as when I met them all for the first time
when I was thirteen. One realizes what
others are made of during hard times and I have come to know and love my family
more during this time because I have seen them in the raw. Who I am and what I am made of has been out
in the open this visit. Nothing is
hidden with family. Third, you know when
you grow up and your siblings are no longer just siblings but friends too. That has happened this trip. My cousins are not just people I know and
admire, but I can call them friends too.
I can cry or laugh with them; whatever the situation calls for. It has been a good hard trip.
Here is a picture of My dad and Melody (on the right) and my Aunt Becky (dad's only sibling) and Uncle Tom. They came over for dinner last night.
past few weeks have reminded me that there is no guarantee in life.
We have to make the most of everyday. Make the most in loving those
around us and not take life for granted. Yesterday a song was running
through my head, one I do not even like. It goes like this-
"Nothing, nothing, nothing is impossible for me." I do not
remember any other part to this song I don't even know if it is saying nothing
is impossible for God or is saying nothing is impossible for me because of God.
I use the later meaning for my life at this moment. I can get
through this time in my life because of my dependency on God. I was
thinking the other day why people get cancer and why one person over another.
I began thinking there is no rhyme or reason for why people get
cancer. There is a reason it is in the world though. Sin is in the
world, it was brought into it by one man and all men are redeemed by One
Man-Jesus. With sin, sickness and death came too. I realized once
again my need for a Lord and Savior. I can never get away from seeing my
dependence on God. God is the I AM. That name of God-the I AM is
what keeps me going. He is the I AM in any situation. He can do
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